Application & Scholarship Timeline

Application & Scholarship Timeline

Scholarship Timeline

Application Timeline:


(Applicant only needs to apply once per school year. 2023-2024 Application opens May 1st, 2023)


(Subject to change)


Application deadline: July 15 for August disbursement

Application deadline: October 15 for November disbursement

Application deadline: January 15 for February disbursement

Application deadline: April 1 for May disbursement


(Subject to Change)


Application deadline: August 15 for September disbursement

Application deadline: February 15 for March disbursement


Corporate Low-Income
(Subject to Change)


Application deadline: July 15 for the September disbursement


Displaced/ Disabled (Lexie's Law)
(Subject to Change)


Application deadline: July 15 for the September/October disbursement 



Scholarship Timeline:


All scholarship awards are announced via email to each recipient. If no award has been given, you will not receive an email. You can always check your records of scholarship awards in the Applicant Portal.




August disbursement will be no later than August 10 

November disbursement will be no later than November 10 

                                   February disbursement will be no later than February 10                                     
May disbursement will be no later than May 10




September disbursement will be no later than September 10

March disbursement will be no later than March 10


Corporate Low-Income


September/October disbursement




September/October disbursement



Need to apply?

Go here:


Apply             Reapply